Work-from-home jobs have become increasingly prevalent in the past few years as organisations embrace remote work and technology to make it easier to work from home. This shift opens up a range of opportunities for individuals seeking flexible job options.

In this article, we explore work-from-home roles and the benefits of remote work for professionals. We also offer tips for thriving in a work-from-home environment.

Work-from-home jobs for business professionals

Professionals across a range of industries are finding success and support when working from home. We explore seven work-from-home jobs.

  1. Marketers: These professionals use their skills to enhance a brand’s profile and communicate with a business’ audience. There are many apps and tools that offer increased agility and responsiveness for these professionals so they can manage campaigns, analyse data and collaborate with their teams and clients remotely. According to SEEK, marketers earn an average of between $90,000 to $100,000 a year but this increases as they rise in seniority and skills. The job outlook for advertising and marketing professionals is strong, with a projected 89,300 professionals expected to be employed in Australia by 2026.
  2. Accountants: As finance professionals, accountants provide taxation, auditing and compliance services to individuals and organisations and can work remotely thanks to secure cloud-based financial tools and data management systems. According to SEEK, accountants earn an average of between $70,000 and $90,000, but more specialised and senior professionals can earn $130,000 and more. Job growth is strong, with an estimated 212,800 accountants needed in Australia by 2026.
  3. Business development managers: These business professionals are instrumental in driving a company’s growth by identifying new opportunities through market research and analysis. They build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and customers, negotiate contracts and contribute to strategic planning to align business objectives with market trends. With advances in technology and communication tools, remote work has become increasingly common and feasible for roles like BDMs, who can manage client relationships via online platforms and analyse data through cloud-based tools. According to SEEK, a typical salary is $105,000 with job growth projected to increase in the years to come.
  4. Human resources directors: A key strategic role in any organisation, a human resources director oversees all aspects of a business’ human capital. Their responsibilities typically include workforce planning, talent acquisition and retention and performance management. They must also oversee compliance with regulations and ensure that HR strategies align with the goals of the business. As training and development, recruitment and other HR systems move online, it is becoming increasingly easier for HR professionals to work remotely. According to SEEK, human resource directors in Australia earn a typical salary of $160,000. From November 2021 to November 2026 the number of human resource professionals is expected to grow.
  5. ​​Operations managers: These professionals are to be found in all industries, providing leadership in a range of ways. They oversee the daily activities of an organisation to ensure productivity and profitability, and their roles are as varied as the industries they work in. They may be responsible for hiring and training employees, establishing budgets, administering OH&S policies and running the day-to-day operations of a business. Because operations managers can leverage a range of digital tools, such as project management software, communication platforms and cloud-based data analytics systems, these professionals can also be found working from home. Earning between $105,000 to $125,000 a year, job opportunities and project job growth are increasing for these valued professionals.
  6. Management consultants: These skilled professionals play a pivotal role in helping organisations become more financially and operationally efficient. They assist in developing strategies to optimise the use of resources and better meet customer needs. By analysing existing systems, they identify areas for improvement and develop solutions for businesses. These consultants spend much time gathering data on a business, researching industry trends and developing proposals, which, thanks to technology, can all be done remotely. The typical salary for a management consultant in Australia is $110,000 with strong job growth projected.

Benefits of working from home

Not sure if working from home is for you? We explore some of the benefits with Kasey Signall, the COO of content marketing agency Content Rebels, an organisation whose entire workforce works from home.

  • Job seekers now have more choices when considering a career change and don’t have to limit their job search to employers in their town or city. “We wanted a workplace where we could bring the most skilled people to work with us no matter their location,” says Signall.
  • “There are fewer overheads for a business without an office,” adds Signall. This means remote workplaces can invest more in their people.
  • Remote work saves time and money. “I save time on the commute, and I don’t have to pay for public transport or petrol to get to work,” says Signall.
  • Being close to home allows parents and carers to be nearer to their families. “My home is close to my daughter’s school, so it is much more convenient if I get the sick bay call.” There is also evidence that working from home increases job satisfaction for working mothers.
  • “Working from home has boosted my confidence,” says Signall. “This arrangement relies heavily on trust — the trust that I have in my team to get their work done, and the trust my team has in me. It’s a big morale boost when you’re trusted with this autonomy and responsibility.”
  • When you work from home, you can live where you want, allowing professionals to move out of cities and live wherever they want.
  • You can be in complete control of your workspace, it’s temperature, look and noise level. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates as many as 40 per cent of Australians are neurodivergent, and these employees often need accommodations such as flexible work hours, quiet environments and predictable desk placement to thrive. This is much easier to do in a remote role.
  • Understanding your chronotype and when you are most productive can help you adjust your work schedule. This is often easier when you work from home and are not obliged to be in the office from nine to five.
  • The work-from-home revolution allows more professionals to work for overseas companies or in different time zones.

Work-from-home tips

  • If you can, have a separate ‘office’ space at home. A room where you can close the door is even better. You want to ensure you have a separation between home and work.
  • “Even though you’re working from home, treat your day as a working day,” says Signall. Get dressed in work clothes and try not to get distracted by housework.
  • “Try to make sure you take time away from your desk,” she adds. “Because there are no workmates around for socialising, taking a lunch break is important to give yourself a rest.”
  • Stay organised by creating daily schedules and to-do lists to prioritise tasks.
  • Use digital tools and schedule regular check-ins with colleagues to stay connected.
  • Invest in good-quality furniture and other ergonomic tools to give you the best chance of success and reduce strain on your body.
  • Seek feedback from colleagues, supervisors and those who report to you to refine processes as you adapt to working from home.

Expand your career opportunities with an MBA

An MBA can be incredibly valuable for individuals considering or already working from home. A focus of many MBA courses is soft skills such as time management and self-discipline, which are crucial when working without direct supervision. Effective communication, honed through MBA courses, is essential for remote professionals who rely heavily on emails and virtual meetings.

Without the burden of commuting and with more flexibility, now is the time to consider studying while working from home. MBA Discovery’s university partners offer online degrees designed for busy professionals.

  • Southern Cross University’s MBA has been designed for students to build diverse and future-focused skills.
  • Victoria University’s MBA course fosters creativity and collaboration and is delivered at a pace to suit each student.
  • RMIT’s MBA focuses on creating global leaders ready to navigate the future of business.
  • James Cook University exposes its MBA students to live business issues to hone their skills for the real world.

Set up for success in your work-from-home role

Working from home can offer a range of benefits and open you up to new opportunities. Curious to know more about how an MBA can support your work-from-home journey? Speak to a Student Enrolment Advisor today.

Speak to a Student Enrolment Advisor

Whether you’re ready to enrol, or just have a quick question, simply fill out the enquiry form below to speak directly to the university’s enrolment team. They will be able to guide you through:

Course eligibility and recognition of prior learning

Course structure and what you will study

Next intakes and how to apply

Fees and time commitments
